Top 10k strings from Calpac Learning Series Volume 1 (1983)(Calpac Educational Software)(16k)(Side B).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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4 ? (0 or 1)": 4 2 e$=" ": 1 z-u)+s$(z+u 1 y=y-(y>175 1 y=y+(c$="t")+(c$="y")+(c$="u")-(c$="b")-(c$="n")-(c$="m") 1 x=x-(x>255 1 x=x+(c$="u")+(c$="j")+(c$="m")-(c$="t")-(c$="g")-(c$="b") 1 u;g$;g$;g$: 1 u;"[NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"; 1 u;" VWXY ": 1 single key input 1 set colours etc. 1 r$="("+((a$+", ") 1 q$,a$,b$,c$,d$ 1 o;" Educational Software " 1 o;" North American Indians. " 1 n=u)+b$+", "+((a$+", ") 1 main program 1 low - plots one point at a time. Used with OVER 1 this lets you rub out."''" F 1 invisible 1 g$="^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" 1 draw ] 1 d-u)+a$+q$(d+4 1 colour? (0-7)": 1 change this number to match the number of DATA statements after line 7000. 1 blank bottom line 1 b$=" " 1 attribute out of range 1 ast - for quick straight lines."''" E stops the program when you have had 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 Indians 1 INK colour? (0-7)": 1 ENTER to continue 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;g$;g$;g$;g$;g$; 1 ;e$;e$;e$; 1 ;"y coordinate out of range": 1 ;"x coordinate out of range": 1 ;"gives:"; 1 ;"UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"' 1 ;"UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"; 1 ;"Type the missing word, and then press ENTER. ": 1 ;"RST^OPQ"; 1 ;"Question ";w 1 ;"Pressing J"; 1 ;"Choose your paper colour. (0-7)": 1 ;"Choose your ink colour. (0-7)": 1 ;"Choose your border colour. (0-7)": 1 ;" was right." 1 ;" Picture plotter." 1 ;" Educational Software " 1 ;" Press e for an explanation. Press 1 ;" BSc ARCS Cert Ed " 1 ;" Press ENTER to continue " 1 ."''"Pressing one of the bottom row keys will then have the"'"following effects:" 1 ,o;"Your score was "; 1 ,o;"Well done, "; 1 ,o;"The right answer was "; 1 ,o;"Press 1 ,o;"No, ";i$;" was wrong." 1 ,o;" Press 1 );" out of 10.": 1 )+d$+((", "+a$) 1 )+c$+", "+((a$+", ") 1 ''" T Y U"''" \ | /"''" G - 1 '" Z gives a copy of the screen if a printer is attached."''" X lets you change the ink colour (type 0 to 7)"''" C lets you change the paper colour (type 0 to 7)" 1 "y coordinate? (8-175,then ENTER)";y: 1 "x coordinate? (0-255,then ENTER)";x: 1 "Your answer was far too long."'''"Start the test again.": 1 "The more important Indians owned the most ____.","horses","bears","wolves","mice" 1 "The Indians wore leather ____ called moccasins.","shoes","clubs","bands","lumps" 1 "The Indians who lived by the sea built ____ huts.","wooden","paper","woollen","sharp" 1 "The Coastal Indians used ____ for travelling and for hunting whales.","canoes","buses","beads","stamps" 1 "The Coastal Indians ____ their clothes from wood fibres.","wove","stole","burnt","washed" 1 "Some Indians were ____. They moved camp to follow the buffalo.","nomads","riders","kings","leaders" 1 "Pressing ""A"" at any time will give the prompt 1 "Nets and ____ were used for catching fish.","spears","pairs","spares","fears" 1 "Men from different tribes smoked a pipe of peace to show that they were ____.","friends","awake","slaves","tired" 1 "Meat was often boiled in a bag made from a buffalo's ____.","stomach","skull","hoof","leg" 1 "Many ____ lived on the Great Plains. The Navaho, Apache and Blackfoot were some of them.","tribes","brides","trips","teams" 1 "Indians used bows and ____ for hunting.","arrows","flags","twigs","forks" 1 "Indians from the north-west made canoes and totem ____ from tree-trunks.","poles","goals","moles","shoals" 1 "Indians from different tribes 'talked' to each other by using ____ language.","sign","fine","wine","pine" 1 "Indian tents were called ____.","tipis","teapots","kiwis","notes" 1 "INVISIBLE? (0 or 1)": 1 "Follow the screen instructions to select your initial colours and starting position."''"Draw lines by pressing one of the keys around the ""H"" (home) key." 1 "Finally after 1 "Clothes and tipis were made from the ____ of the buffalo.","skin","eyes","ears","teeth" 1 "Buffalo meat was ____ to prevent it from going bad.","dried","killed","fried","tried" 1 "Buffalo hoofs were used to make ____.","glue","stew","leather","flour" 1 "An Indian war axe was ____ a tomahawk.","called","cooked","seen","shown" 1 "An Indian mother carried her ____ in a papoose.","baby","money","story","pots" 1 "A travois was a carrying frame which was ____ by a dog or horse.","pulled","pushed","used","packed" 1 you may also press:"''" V flash"''" B bright"''" N over"''" M inverse"''" I invisible"''"Turn these on or off by typing:"''" 1 to turn on"''" 0 to turn off" 1 you can type:"''" S 1 to stop." 1 to re-run the program. "''"Press 1 to continue.": 1 to continue. " 1 to continue. " 1 Try again. 1 J J Warren 1982 1 J J WARREN 1983 1 1983 J J Warren "; 1 1982 J J Warren " 1 - J"''" / | \"''" B N M": 1 You must choose one of the words within the brackets. 1 Choose one of the words between the brackets. 1 ";e$;e$;e$; 1 " 1 G 1 A